Children whom are the soul of this earth now are being forced to spend their childhood in a poor way. The word ‘poor’ may describe all major issues poverty, illiteracy, physical illness, warfare situations, sexual abuses, and other issues that victimize the children in different regions of the world. Due to these reasons how they could able to experience the charm of ‘golden age of the life’. Can Universal Children’s Day bring back the childhood for those whom are the victims of these issues?
You may immediately say, No, It is unable to happen!
But Awareness on this Day, may console them and lead to a hopeful life and could able to give solutions that Save the both whom are influenced by major problems and whom are until not.

Aim of the ‘Universal Children’s Day’:
It should not consider an ordinary day, because It is the day when we have to decide what will be our future and exactly our future is nothing without our today’s children. The aim of the Universal Children’s Day is to promote international togetherness and awareness among children worldwide.
“Our Children are Rock on which Our FUTURE will be built.”-Nelson Mandela
Awareness on Children’s Major Issues:
Here we will discuss Some of Major Issues that experienced by the children world-widely.
Poverty and Children:
Poverty is one of the Major Problem that influence vast regions of the world (such as Africa, Asia, South America, etc). Hundreds of issues begin from Poverty, but Poverty begins from Wars, Corruptions, Cruelties of Richest Countries imposed on poorest countries, and others. Coming to the point, many of issues that rooted from Poverty like Hunger, Lacking of Health facilities, illiteracy, etc; are badly influenced the Children round the World.
Hunger & Health Problems for Children:
Hunger & Health Problems are not only Adults face but also children are affected. Actually Hunger & Harmful Drinking Water produces hundred of disease among the children. United Nations Organization runs many of their Sub-organizations to reduce these Global Problems like FAO, WFP, WHO, etc. While under the supervision of UN, an organization named United Nations International Children Emergency Fund or UNICEF exclusively works for Children and Solving Children Global Issues.
Wars or Conflict Zones and Children:
If we ask which thing is the mother of poverty, the undeniable answer would be the ‘Wars’ and then ‘Conflict Zones’. How hard & tough time those have whom are living in such territories and could not able to migrate to any safe zone. Everyone especially children whom lost everything that they own; sometimes lost their Parents, enable to go School, get Injured, become Victims of inhuman-acts, and what not? And what they learn from these worse experiences? It’s undoubtedly called alarming situation for both Children’ Future and World’s Peace.
Illiteracy rate Among the Children:
Lack of Literacy rate among the children how harmful for Our Future, everyone knows better. Children are illiterate unavailability or lack of schools (in developing countries), or destruction of schools (in War & Conflict Zones), or forced to involved in child labor and leave schools (due to Poverty).
Children Abuse:
Every year millions of children around the world become victims of untold violence. These child abuses happening in everywhere the Children live either in Developed Countries, Developing Countries or Conflict Zones. They become victims of those mentally-ill peoples whom get hunger by pornography and other hateful resources. Those unforgettable moments which could worsen the child’s entire life, So Should there not strictly banned those resources that are play foundation role for happening such hateful incidents? It must be done.
Universal Children’s Day; Our Duties for Our Children:
It is needless to say that Universal Children’s Day is the day when we should realize our ethical duties for all our children whom are suffered by unwanted circumstances. Children are never committing any crime but they forcedly fall into the violence of high authorities because of their selfish objectives. So, it is Our responsibility that we must raise our voice against all direct or indirect actions that violent children wherever they live. Donations to trusted Organizations that exclusively work for Children, is another way to console the children whom have been suffered.
In Universal Children’s Day, It is SavingGain’s message to you all that Care the Children all around the world, because they are Ours, they belong to us and they are Our FUTURE.
Let’s start work for Our Future in this Universal Children’s Day 2018.
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